It also includes a feeds array with at least one object containing a GraphQL query and serialize method, which allows you to output a custom RSS feed structure. This snippet contains a custom gatsby-plugin-feed setup in gatsby-config.js to query metadata for your site, like its title and siteUrl. structure) output by the plugin to work with your website’s content, you can start with the following code:

To customize the default feed schema (a.k.a. The good news is you can accommodate these scenarios and more in gatsby-config.js and gatsby-node.js.

#Rss feed reader for website html how to
To install this package, run the following command: How to use gatsby-plugin-feed To generate an RSS feed, you can use the gatsby-plugin-feed package. Think of it as a syndicated distribution channel for your site’s content. An RSS Feed is a standard XML file listing a website’s content in a subscribable format, allowing readers to consume your content in news aggregators, also called feed reader apps.